Monday, July 16, 2007


On Thursday, we had our second trip to the Acute Kids Urgent Care in less than 3 weeks. Maddox had a fever all day, but seemed okay. I checked his temperature at about 9:00 right before bed and was shocked to see the thermometer read 104.5. Always grace under pressure, I freaked out. Heart racing, I threw Maddox in the car and headed to the urgent care. Fevers always scare me. I feel like I never know what the right thing to do is. When do I do the warm bath, am I supposed to bundle them up if they're shivering, is it okay to give them more medicine even though it's not time yet, what will happen if I exceed the recommended dosage, and at what temperature should I really freak out?

By the time we checked in to the Urgent Care Mad's temperature was
106! Mad was stripped down to his undies and had wet washcloths placed all over his body. Three throat swabs later, it was determined that he did not have strep. The doctor is concerned, and decides to start antibiotics just in case. By the time we leave, Mad's temp is down to 102. Flash forward a couple of sleepless nights, to Saturday. Mad still has a fever and it's back to 104. I throw him in the tub, and get him ready to head to the ER (the Urgent Care closes at 8 p.m. on weekends). I'm pretty sure the people in the ER thought I was crazy - Mad's temp was 101 when we got there and he was happy coloring.

So, after talking to 3 doctors, waiting for hours, and spending $225 in copays, I finally felt like my kid was going to be okay. This morning Maddox woke up fever free! Finally!!!


Rachie said...

I am with you. Fevers scare the CRAP out of me. I feel so helpless.

I hate going to Urgent Care not only because of the stupid fees, but the only one close to me is 30 minutes away. I usually call the night nurse who talks me through everything.

Natalie Jo said...

Oh! I agree fevers are so confusing! Glad to hear he is doing better. So scary! And never feel like you are silly for taking him in. My doctor knows that a mother knows best!

Laurel said...

I am no grace under pressure either. Liam recently had a piece of paper in his mouth and I couldn't get it out...and of course I freaked. Tom thinks I am crazy (and well yes I am), but I love my little Liam and don't want anything to happen to him...even a piece of paper can be dangerous...this all in my humble first time mother opinion. :)