Friday, February 22, 2008

100th Day

Madd's preschool celebrates the 100th day of school.  Each child was asked to create a project displaying a collection of 100 items.  Maddox decided on one of his favorite cereals, Fruit Loops.  I originally purchased a large poster board to display the Fruit Loops.  I had envisioned all those brightly colored loops shaped into a huge "M" on the poster board, that Maddox would be in awe of.  Then we counted out the 100 Fruit Loops.  It didn't take long to figure out that an 8.5 x 11 piece of card stock would be more than enough room.  Oh well, Maddox still thought the rainbow was pretty cool!


DJ Probert said...

That's hilarious. I really would like that 100 pieces of cereal would need a huge display, too. Oops. I never was very good at math.

DJ Probert said...

(this is candra, by the way. dj is much better at math)

deesha said...

That is a really cool rainbow! We also celebrated 100 days of learning (or whatever) and now the boys just fight over the crown Josh got at school...