Sunday, December 9, 2007

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...


We put the tree up the day after we returned from Thanksgiving in St. George (you've got to love artificial trees). It took me a little longer (and a few more trips to the store) to get the trees up in the boys' rooms.

Maddox insisted on red lights. The first 3 boxes I bought were on a white cord - oops. The next time I headed to the store I made sure to get the green cord - although I am dying for a white tree!

Next I moved on to Griffy's tree. Poor little tree - it only has one strand of lights. I purchased 3 boxes for Griffy's tree as well, but only one (and a half) of the strands worked. I tried, but could not convince myself that it was worth another trip to the store with two little boys to buy more lights. So, in the words of Tim Gunn from one of my favorite shows I, "made it work"!

I thought it would be fun to buy advent calendars to help the boys count down to Santa. According to Griffy Santa should be here already! Griffy scratched, poked, and even stomped on his calendar to get to all the chocolate.



Shannon Bousfield said...

Your trees are so coordinated - even the boys individual trees! (what's up with that?! they each get a tree?!) our's is a hodge-podge of ornaments the kids have made. It ain't pretty, but someday I'll have the stylish tree and the one for the kids.

Jeanette said...

I echo shannon. even your trees are always cute and put together, just like you.

The Probert Family said...

Leyla...that's hilarious. I wonder how in the world you found my blog, and I am so glad to know you have one. I hope you don't mind but I added a link to your blog on mine.

Good luck with Santa. That was thoughtful of him to come to your house early this year!

Jeanette said...

I need your new address for Christmas, well, new years cards.