On Thursday I was cruising down a 2 lane road, sunroof open, windows down, music cranked, there may have been some singing. I was enjoying a couple hours of freedom, Madd was in school, Griffy at speech therapy. It was so nice to not hear fighting from the back seat, or requests for me to use my bionic arms to pick up whatever toy was dropped on the floor of the car. I was so happy that I was completely oblivious to the motorcycle cop who pulled up behind me with lights flashing. When I did notice, I thought "he must be chasing someone and want me to get out the way". Turns out I was the one he was chasing.
The officer approaches my window... "Ma'am, is there a medical emergency? I clocked you going 60 in a 45."
"Wow, can I really use that as an excuse?"
No comment.
"No, officer... no medical emergency, where do I sign?"
Leyla, pehaps you should have said yes there is a medical emergency.
I need to get some work done on my bionic arm while me boys are in school. It must be in perfect working order in a few hours.
Who knows, he might have laughed and let you go.
Busted Leyla!! That's funny, looks like you were having a little too much fun without the boys!
Leyla, we must be on the same page, I did not make a "complete" stop at a stop sign...$142 and traffic school later. Well let's just say BUMMER! Did you at least enjoy the song? Say Hi to the boys and Grant for me! Talk soon!
I totally had the exact same experience about 6 months ago. Just chillin, singing, without kids. Those cops don't they know it's just freedom at hand.
I know you told me this story. But it is much funnier to read it! Sorry about the ticket but the price you pay for freedom. From your kids that is!!!!
You should have flexed your biceps and pointed to your abs and said. "Did you pull me over for my two guns and a six pack?"
Hey.....I had to change my blog, so my new one is...itzacrazylife.blogspot.com
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