Friday, September 14, 2007

My New Title

I'm known as a lot of things: mom, wife, sister, daughter, in-law, and friend. Recently I've added a new title to my list... COACH! No, it's not a typo! I'm coaching Mad's soccer team, the Wyatt Wolves. One week before the first soccer game, the original coach realized he wasn't going to be able do it. Without a coach there would be no team. I was dreading having to tell Maddox that he wouldn't be able to play soccer. What's a mother to do? According to the Plano Youth Soccer Association website, no soccer knowledge was required - sounds like I'm perfect for the job! I called the league director and I was in. Next, I panicked! I began speed dialing family members (somehow everyone in my family, but me, plays soccer). I got some great ideas and pointers from my family (thanks guys!) and was ready for our first practice. Luckily I have a great assistant coach, who has offered to handle the games - which is great for me, because half the time the referee blows the whistle I'm not really sure what it's for!


Laurel said...

What a great mom you are!

I hope you are not one of those coaches that yells and screams at the kids. :)

Dan & Stacy said...

Of course Maddox is #1! Where did you find this new background?

Natalie Jo said...

love the new background! and well, I have to say I would pay good money to watch you coach! i am sure that your whole family would. But all those years going to games you had to pick up on something right? good luck! You are a great mom!! I mean it, I don't know if I would have that kind of dedication. And who knows maybe you can be his coach forever! this could be a new career! jk!

shari berry bo-berry said...

ok leyla, seriously, i knew you were cool...but THIS COOL? I don't think I would have it in me to be a soccer coach. So I give you props girl!!!! Good luck with it!!

deesha said...

Leyla, you give new meaning to the term "soccer mom!" Good job!

Rachie said...

I don't believe it. I MUST see proof!

zuniga family said...

hi! your kids are getting so big. I am glad to see you guys are doing good in texas.